7 Halloween Costumes for the Baby Bump! September 05, 2017Kristen Creed Any soon-to-be mommys out there thinking about Halloween? Maybe an office Halloween costume, or something to wear while trick-or-treating with your other little ones? You don't have to go with a...
10 Essential Oils for Beautiful Skin August 11, 2017Kristen Creed Essential oils have been staples in beauty routines since ancient times, so it’s no surprise that their benefits to modern day regimens are all the rage. They’re all unique and...
You DO Have Time for Lunch Hour Exercise July 19, 2017Kristen Creed Sitting down for long periods of time, like many of us do at our 9-5 gigs, can have negative effects to one’s health. Everything slows, muscles aren’t being used, blood...
7 High Protein Snacks That Won’t Break Your Diet July 05, 2017Allison Kelly Hunger strikes at the worst times, right in between meals and when you don’t have the most healthy options available. The key is to find a few satisfying options that...
Bodybuilding Stretch Marks - Prevention & Treatment June 29, 2017Bill DAlessandro Stretch marks aren’t only for pregnant women and for those who lose a lot of weight! They are also a common effect from growing too fast. If you’re just putting...
4 Celebrity Diets That Work (Or Don’t) June 27, 2017Bill DAlessandro Want to diet like a celebrity? Celebrities are known for hopping on the latest fad diets and often getting crazy results. With fame and millions of dollars on the line...
7 Tips to Feel Bikini-Confident by July 4th June 23, 2017Kristen Creed You have a body. You have a bikini. Therefore, you have a bikini body. But if you’re struggling to feel confident in a bikini, there are quick fixes for that,...
Thought You Knew Everything About Stretch Marks? Think Again. June 13, 2017Allison Kelly Stretch marks are a mystery to most people. Of course they are marks and lines on the skin caused by stretching, but you have to look deeper into some...
Preventing Stretch Marks When On a New Diet June 12, 2017Allison Kelly Most people associate the stretch mark problem with pregnancy, weight gain, and bodybuilding. However, did you know that weight loss is another possible cause? Like any of these other ways,...