You DO Have Time for Lunch Hour Exercise

You DO Have Time for Lunch Hour Exercise

Sitting down for long periods of time, like many of us do at our 9-5 gigs, can have negative effects to one’s health. Everything slows, muscles aren’t being used, blood flows are sluggish, your hip flexors tighten… the list goes on. That’s why mid-day lunch break exercise could be an awesome solution to those problems and an answer to a stale routine. The smallest adjustments and healthy choices can add up to some serious positive body/mood/health changes… the benefits are never ending. Start now!

Pack your gym bag the night before

This is easily the best way to prepare for any workout you want to really show up for! Throw in a cute workout outfit, deodorant, dry shampoo, makeup wipes, sneakers, socks, water bottle and headphones. When it’s all in one place, you can grab your bag and go!

Choose a gym or studio within 5 minutes of your workplace. Once you set out on your lunch workout journey, the clock is ticking. Factoring in the time it takes to get to your gym, studio, outdoor track or park is important here.

Save time; eat lunch at your desk. Work while you eat and spend quality lunch time getting toned and fit, burning calories and upping endorphins. I like to eat a small snack before my lunch workouts for a little fuel, and then eat the rest of my lunch after. Just make sure to stay hydrated before and after.  

Have a plan going into the workout. If you’re working out on your own, have a mental plan of what you want to tackle and accomplish during this exercise hour. Walking into a gym aimless when you are on a tight schedule can end up being a waste of time. Set goals and crush them.

It’s okay to skip the stretches… for the most part. Stretching takes a good bit of extra time, and that just doesn’t fit into this exercise hour. Instead, do some light stretching of your arms and back when you’re back at your desk and follow-up later that evening with deeper stretching.

Showering can be tricky. But in my opinion, it’s not totally necessary. An hour long workout will get you sweaty, but that’s nothing deodorant, dry shampoo and some makeup wipes can’t fix. If you have the time to rinse off, by all means do! But don’t sweat it if you have to pat dry and lightly freshen up. This will obviously save you time when you have to fit all steps of exercise into one teeny tiny little lunch hour that flies by.

If you still think an hour is not enough time to get some heart-pumping goodness in, here are some tips to adhere to all the time that will benefit your health in major ways:

  • Park further away from work so you can get more steps in.
  • Pack healthy lunches rather than going out for lunch.
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Have a water cup at your desk and fill it each time you run out.
  • If you don’t have time for a full-blown workout, make time for a short walk and fresh air.
  • Having a small, informal meeting? Suggest a walking meeting!

Healthy habits and working toward your goals don’t have to be put on pause during the work day. We spend at least 40 hours of our weeks at work, so be conscious of your health goals during this time, too. Just because you’re at work doesn’t mean you have to stop working at those goals. These tips-turned-habits, paired with TriLastin stretch mark cream, are sure to make you feel like your most amazing and beautiful self — and you deserve that.